Ok, so I haven't posted for a while. I have one simple explanation - I was searching for a job and have subsequently gone back to work full time. And I thought I was busy before...
The boys are walking (started around Christmas) and trying really hard to talk. They have lots to say but it comes out in a language we don't quite understand yet. While Austin and Chase continue to differentiate themselves personality wise, they are still trending similar in size, 21 lbs. and 31" tall. They are average for their age and that alone is impressive.
We're still on two naps a day and eating everything in sight. We officially haven't found anything they won't eat, well, except birthday cake. They do not take after their mother with that trait as I've never met a baked good I didn't like :) Formula is a thing of the past and bottles are slowly being replaced by sippy cups at all meals.
We bought the boys a picnic table to do crafts on, eat snacks and play, but they've discovered it's far more fun to stand on the table. They are one step away from proclaiming "king of the mountain" and beating their chests when they reach their destination - unbelievable the instincts these kids come with.
Chase is still looking so much like his daddy. Brown eyes and we did have to get him a hair cut. His shag in the back was getting long so he is all cleaned up now. Austin, everyone says, looks like mommy. Blue eyes and dark hair. The boys are extremely happy and best of all, most amused with each other. They chase and taunt and seem to really love each other. Bath time is by far the most fun event in our house everyday. Austin dips his nose and mouth into the water and then erupts in the best belly laugh you've ever heard. And monkey see, monkey do, Chase tries to copy but with a little less finesse. He just dunks his whole head and we'll just say is getting his fair share of water intake everyday. Dehydration is not a concern with him.
The boys love music and dance whenever a tune is played. We do lots of singing, reading and chasing each other around. All in all, this is a pretty decent age and we couldn't be happier. Not to say they aren't a lot of work, but it comes with the territory, right?
Here is the "wee Rhi" as we call my sister's daughter (almost 8 months old). This is how Dan gets his "girl" fix. So cute!
Austin and Chase with their friend Hannah. She's a good sport for putting up with the two of them on play dates.
Glad to see you are getting them started early on beer. Love the new pictures!
I'm so glad you posted more pictures. I have been checking back, and there they are, cute as ever. Glad to see they are playing so well together. They will have a best friend for life :)
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