Monday, March 24, 2008

Happy Easter

Ok, so we didn't get the boys picture taken with the Easter bunny...but we did get a visit from Nana & Poppa Cooch, cousin Sierra, Aunt Michele and Uncle Bill. Easter Sunday, we ventured out on our first trip to Grammy and Grandpa Dufromont's house and all in all, the entire weekend was a great success. The boys stayed on their schedule and we actually felt a sense of normalcy for the first time since the boys were born. Here are a few pictures from the week and weekend. We're seeing a resemblance between Austin and Sierra, but Chase is still his Daddy's clone! Enjoy!

Monday, March 17, 2008

New Pictures!

Monday, March 10, 2008

New Pics of the Boys!

Here's Austin wearing probably the cutest hat we've ever seen him in! Thank you Aunt Susy!

Chase was too sleepy for hat wearing...funny, with his baldness, he's the one who should be wearing the hat!
Now that we're getting so many visitors, everyone wants perspective on how far the boys have come. So, here are the diapers they started with on day one (about 3.5" high) and next to it, is a #1 diaper, which they've just grown out of. I have other items, such as hats and outfits, that I'll photograph and post. It's just amazing to think each baby started out less then three pounds.

Ok, so we don't leave him unattended, but how cute does Austin look in the bumbo seat? What a big boy!

We kept putting the boys together and I think Chase had enough. He's saying, "This is my boppy. Don't even think of putting that big brother of mine in here with me because I'm big too, and I'm using all of it!"
There are definitely better ways to do tummy time, but this is just so much cuter! Even though Austin has so much more hair than Chase...we're starting to think Austin's is falling out too. Maybe one of them will be bald like their mommy was...?

Monday, March 3, 2008

Wow - We're Growing!

These boys are getting heavy! The last weigh-in (2.29.08) had Austin at 9 lbs. 3 oz. and Chase starting to catch up at 8 lbs. 7 oz. The newborn clothes are quickly disappearing from their drawers and the three month ones are coming in. We cannot believe how fast time is passing us by. But not to worry, we are trying to capture as many moments to share with everyone as possible. Here are a few shots from the past week. The Alcatraz bibs are from Aunts Amy and Stacy who live in San Jose. I'll try to get better at dressing/photgraphing the boys in outfits people give us so you can see them in use before they're outgrown. Goodnight...