The boys didn't quite make it to "trick or treat" but we did manage a photo shoot in our front yard. Austin is dressed as Winnie the Pooh as a Bumblebee and Chase is a turtle. Chase was fascinated with Austin's antenae.Chase wore his Turtle hat most of the day so when picture time came, he was ready to pose.
Dressed as pumpkins, the boys got new "ride-on" toys from Grammy and Grandpa. Maybe they'll be mechanics or do demolition derbies when they're older?
Lunch with friend Drew included a side trip to the L.L. Bean outlet. Three little pumpkins!
Ok, so Chase has very little hair, and we like him to be used to hats...besides, it's a good cushion when he stumbles. 
The car is made for one, but there's always room for brother. 
The pink binkie incident...cousin Rhiannon wasn't paying attention and the boys stole her pink binkie. It wasn't even the type they use, but boy was it popular with them!

What this picture doesn't show is the yelp Rhiannon let out when she realized she was outnumbered...eventually she'll realize Austin and Chase are her protectors :)
What this picture doesn't show is the yelp Rhiannon let out when she realized she was outnumbered...eventually she'll realize Austin and Chase are her protectors :)
I can't believe how big and cute they are getting. Keep the photos coming. I love their little smiles : )
Hi guys, I can't believe how big they are getting
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