June has brought a great spring/summer mix of weather until recently when the sun decided to play a fierce game of hide'n seek. Eventually, we'll find out where it's hiding! Luckily, we have a deck for the boys to play on and a fun climbing apparatus/slide to keep them busy, courtesy of their friend Hunter who has since outgrown the toy. The Step 2 climber comes inside easily and has been a savior lately when outdoor play just isn't an option.
We celebrated Father's Day with a special meal, get this, prepared by Dan. His choice! He made fantastic potato salad, sliders and coleslaw, courtesy of Tyler Florence. Being a Food Network junkie, this is what made Dan happy so we let it happen. After all, it was his special day.
Austin and Chase are 19 months old now and are doing great. They are running all over the place and we are finally learning what twin-speak is. They crack each other up and giggle so hard that sometimes, we feel a little left out. It is so fun to watch them explore the world around them with more maturity and truly enjoy each other's company. Their favorite toys are still books. They can "meow" like a cat and "cluck" like a chicken but as for talking...they're holding out on that for a little longer. Hopefully, this isn't a sign that procrastination will be in in their future. Austin is having his adenoids taken out and ear tubes put in on Wednesday, June 24th. We're hoping this kicks his chronic ear infections and gives him a little more room in his throat.
The boys are still loving their daycare arrangement with a local mom who has a dog, cat and lots of toys. Here backyard is like going to a park and sometimes I think they want to stay there when I pick them up at night. We are greatful for Lori!
We recently attended an ICN reunion and heard many stories like our own. It's amazing how common prematurity is but it was great to see all of these kids running around together. We met some nice families and hope to bring the boys back for years to come, giving current families hope for their own children to lead normal lives.
The summer is packed full of fun activites. We're heading to Buffalo for the 4th of July and then the Cape for the rest of the week. We have a few other weekend trips planned and lots of house projects. However, getting those projects done is extremely difficult. Thank goodness for the afternoon nap or else this place would be a royal mess all the time!
Here they are, our baby boys all grown up. We cannot believe they are toddlers already. They look to the sky when an airplane buzzes by and chase ants around on the deck. They throw full out tantrums and swipe toys from each other but just when we've had enough, they give us the sweetest kisses in the world! Does it get any better?