Do these even look like the same babies? My goodness, look how much they've grown! Sorry for slowing down on posts. We've been busy trying to get out for walks and to visit some friends who have recently had new babies. It's been fun seeing all these new little people who we hope our boys will grow up with. The boys didn't get weighed last week but we're expecting to be nearly 13 and 12 lbs. by the weigh-in this Friday. We've officially segwayed into 3-6 mos. clothes and are practically out of #2 diapers already. The boys have done two nights in a row of sleeping for 8 hours! It would great if they continued but I suspect they'll tease us a few more times before settling into that routine.
So, let's talk about age...we've learned we are supposed to go by their corrected age (using Feb. 4 as their faux birthday) for everything but vaccines. So, instead of being 5 months old on April 12, they were two months old on April 4. If you think it's confusing, you're right. Using the corrected age makes all of the developmental milestones more attainable. Once the boys are two years old, we can simply use November 12 as their birthday. They should be caught up by then.
The boys are smiling socially and when they do, it lights up the room! Of course, I can't keep the camera on them all the time, but I've been able to snag a few shots of these wonderful smiles. They are both really starting to grab at things and get this, we think Austin might be teething. I got teeth at four months, so it's perfectly reasonable that he could as well. In the meantime, his mouth seems to be a little sore, he chews on everything and drools a lot. I dred teething, like I dred turning two and potty training! Maybe we'll get a nanny by then :)
Ok, once I figure out what to make for dinner, we need to go on our walk. In the meantime, here are a few more pictures from the past couple of weeks! Enjoy!