Monday, November 26, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Hi everyone. For those of you who haven't heard already, our son Brady suffered a terrible setback on Thursday, November 15. An emergency transfer was made through the night to the Dartmouth Hitchcock Intensive Care Nursery in Lebanon, NH and while he was declared stabilized by the weekend, he'd suffered severe, irreversible brain damage. We had an elective transfer approved on Saturday for Austin and Chase and by that afternoon we had our family of five together in one facility. Brady fought extremely hard but unfortunately passed away on Sunday, November 18 at 6:31 pm. Before he passed, we were able to have all of the boys baptized together and we are extremely happy to have that memory forever in our minds. Dan and I wake up each day knowing the best thing we can do right now is be strong for Austin and Chase. We are extremely fortunate to have the two of them in our lives and while we always said we'd never spoil or smother our children, these boys will not know what hit them once we get them home! Both are back to birth weight, off breathing apparatus and tolerating full feeds. Thank you for all of your support and we'll continue to keep you posted on the progress Austin and Chase are making.
Love, Rebecca and Dan
Posted by
Rebecca and Dan Couture
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Our boys have arrived!
The big day was Monday, November 12, 2007 at 4:02/4:03/4:04 pm and before we could even digest the fact we were about to become parents, they were here!
Posted by
Rebecca and Dan Couture
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Week 27
Our doctor's appointment on Thursday, Nov. 27 (day 5 of week 27) was as good as we could have hoped for. My preterm labor continues so I'm still on bedrest. The doctor says I'm progressing like an "average" triplet pregnancy, which sounds good to us! The good news is that for now, I can at least stay home and out of the hospital.

Posted by
Rebecca and Dan Couture